It still blows my mind that I've been able to travel to over 19 countries in the world & still counting, entertained over a million people during my time at sea on ships, and generate over $200,000 in sales in my first year of business.

What you may not know about me is that I was chronically ill from 1999 of 2014. I was in and out of the hospital and doctors offices, had 10 surgeries, and believed every word a doctor said to me.

Jessica, you're disabled. You'll be sick for the rest of your life. The mass is inoperable and the size of cantaloupe.

Why God, why? I cried out. The voices in my head, something is wrong with you. My heart constantly in the pit of my stomach. The side effects of every med I "needed" making me feel worse and worse. I wished, hoped and prayed for death.

Wow, a hysterectomy. At 28. You're so young. Every nurse would say to me.

I was sick and tired of being sick and tired.

After 15 years of this endless cycle, a voice of mine came to me, faint at first. You don't have to live this way and I decided to look into alternative methods for healing. I decided to take back my power. I learned so much along the way about health, products, movement, and I'm here to show other people how to get out of their own way; to advocate for themselves and that anything a white coat tells us is a "suggestion."

I know live a healthy, vibrant live out loud life. I have an incredible aligned community. I have tools to have given me my life back and my power back. Im free from the systems that want to keep up sick, dependent and disempowered I'm here to empower those lost to big pharma and the western medicine complex. Is this you? If not, who do you know?